We finally finished our nursery after many months of reorganizing, painting, and DIY projects! We are thrilled with the result but more so thrilled that it is complete – phew! Check out my earlier
post on the things that inspired our design, I think we came pretty close. Here are some photos and links to what is what. Enjoy!

Crib –
A special thank you to Brett's parents for this important piece of our nursery. This crib is fabulous, it doesn’t take up too much space and the drawer at the bottom is a wonderful help for storage. We went with a crib which converts to a 'day' bed rather then a double bed mostly because of space issues as well as the look of the frame. This was a perfect choice!

Bedding – A wonderful friend of my mother’s made this bedding for me and I couldn’t be happier. The fabric is
Dena Designs and I ordered it off of Etsy
here. This fabric is awesome, I love the simplicity and freshness of the design and it washes up great! I'm so glad I came across this fabric designer online!
Mobile – Hand made by me using driftwood we picked up on our recent trip to the California coast and these sweet owls purchased off of Etsy
here. I had every intention of making these owls myself however my belly won the battle on this one and finishing this project by any means possible became my main task so when I found these online for a great price I couldn’t resist. I should have started this DIY a little earlier in the game but am happy with the end result nevertheless.

Dresser – Awesome find off of
craigslist. Good as new with a little updating of the handles.
We are getting a box made for the change pad to keep it in place and give it a bit more height but how awesome is a dresser with 9 drawers!
Crates – We got a fabulous deal on these antique crates and are using them for books. We put pads on the bottom but at some point might add small wheels so they can be pulled out for easier access. I love this random accessory in the nursery as it is a touch of our personality (we frequent antique stores regularly) pulled into the overall design of the room. A little piece of us, so to say.
Chair – A special thank you to

I have to say finding a chair was my biggest tribulation in this nursery project. I searched high and low for a rocker or glider with a more modern design but may I just say bluntly - the really nice ones are wildly overpriced and I just couldn't justify spending so much money on a single seat. I have heard if you rock your baby to sleep they will expect to always be rocked so in the end I decided cozy comfort and price would win this battle. This chair is incredibly comfortable so I think we made a good choice plus we can use it in another room later in life. I am still looking for a pouffe or small footstool. This may be a project I take on after baby P. arrives with leftover fabric from the bedding.
Tree Stump Table – I love the end result with this one. Check out my earlier
post on this DIY project.
Bench – Martha Stewart at Home Depot.
This little bench is so great and fits into the room perfectly. It is nice to have an extra seat and of course more storage doesn’t hurt anyone as well. I like the fact our baby can grow into this and pull out toys themselves or we can always move it somewhere else for another use. Multiple options with this one which is right up my alley! I ironed on the fabric animal shapes for a touch of added whimsy.

Terrarium –
West Elm
I have become slightly obsessed with terrarium making recently mostly because of the many terrarium containers selling at one of my favourite stores,
West Elm, which I just happened to have a gift certificate for. I will most likely post on this again later as I have had so much fun putting a few of these together and think they make adorable gifts.

Pots, trash can, diaper bin – We got these at
Ikea and
Zellers. The large and small trash cans came together for $14.99 so we are using the large one for our dirty cloth diapers. We attached the pots to the wall with Velcro and added chalk board stickers to all. A chalk pen really helps the labels stay on. An easy project to help organize a messy space!
Accessories – We have picked up many small items along the way since deciding on a theme for the nursery. Some of our favourites are listed below which make the room more personalized - it's very 'us'.

Owl -
Pier One (so cute). My mum bought this for us very early on in our pregnancy and I have imagined it sitting on a shelf in the babies room for months now. It fits in perfectly.
Nikki McClure 'Collect Raindrops' Book - One of my favourite artists! Brett bought me this
book last Christmas and I can't think of a better place for Nikki's wonderful illustrations to be. She also has a baby book called
'The First 1000 Days' which we bought and wonderful childrens storybooks my favourite of which is
'All in a Day'. You can purchase these online or at Chapters. If you live near the Beaches in Toronto you can also find many of her books at
Ella Minnow on Queen St. E. (This store is so sweet!)
Zuny Moose/Deer Bookends (actually paper weights) - We found these cute little guys at Chapters over the Christmas holidays.
We are so excited for baby P. to arrive - any day now! - and with the nursery finally complete we are even more ready to meet our little one!