The past few weeks have been a tad hectic hence the lack of posts. I am in a rut of starting a lot of projects but not finishing them, I think this is a sure sign of trying to do too much.
More recently I have been doing some soul searching with regards to Little White Bird. I have always had my hand in jewelry and accessories but I would really like to see this grow and morph into something bigger. My true goal or passion would be to one day run own my own storefront so I have been thinking through what this would look like and the steps I can take to get there. Who knows what will come of this so for now I am experimenting and spending some time envisioning the Little White Bird brand. This is the reason for a lack of creative posts about jewelry and accessories. I am always working on a custom made to order basis but I am taking a break from it otherwise.
On a more fun note I made this cake for my cousin which was fun to do. It also helped my realize I would be cool with working as a cake decorator if the opportunity ever presented itself but for sure not a baker, it's very time consuming to mix, pour, bake, wash, mix, pour, bake etc. Phew...